What terms can be used to describe many monks of the Medieval monasteries? (4 points)

Ecclesiastical Terminology

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Abbey - a customs of monks or nuns, ruled by an abbot or abbess. Commonly founded by a monastic guild. Abbeys oftne owe some form of feudal obligation to a lord or higher organization. They are commonly self-independent.

Abjuration - renunciation, under adjuration, of heresy to the Christian faith, made past a Christian wishing to be reconciled with the Church building.

Accidie - term used in ascetical literature for spiritual sloth, boredom, and discouragement.

Acolyte - a clerk in minor orders whose item duty was the service of the altar.

Advocate - lay protector and legal representative of a monastery.

Advowson - the right of nominating or presenting a clergyman to a vacant living.

Agistment - a Church charge per unit, or tithe, charged on pasture land.

Aisle - lateral division of the nave or chancel of a church.

Alb - a full-length white linen garment, with sleeves and girdle, worn by the celebrant at mass under a chasuble.

Almoner - officer of a monastery entrusted with dispensing alms to the poor and ill.

Almonry - place from which alms were dispensed to the poor.

Almuce - large cape, often with attached hood, of cloth turned downward over the shoulders and lined with fur. Doctors of Divinity and canons wore information technology lined with gray fur. Cape was edged with fiddling Ambulatory - alley leading round an apse, unremarkably encircling the choir of a church building.

Amice - a square of white linen, folded diagonally, worn by the celebrant priest, on the head or nigh the cervix and shoulders.

Anathema - condemnation of heretics, similar to major excommunication. It inflicts the penalty of consummate exclusion from Christian lodge.

Anchoret (Anchorite, Anchoress) - a hermit, or recluse.

Antiphon - a judgement, or versicle, from Scripture, sung as an introduction to a psalm or canticle.

Antiphoner - a choir-volume containing the liturgical chants used in singing the canonical hours.

Apostate - term used to depict a person who leaves religious orders after making solemn profession. Considered a serious crime in the eyes of thursday Church building, existence not only a breach of religion with God but also with the founders and benefactors of the religious business firm.

Apparels - small rectangular pieces of embroidered stuff, used as ornaments to the alb and amice.

Apparitor - a summoner; an officer of an ecclesiastical courtroom whose duty it was to cite persons to appear earlier it.

Cribbing - the formal transfer to a monastic business firm of the tithes and other endowments of a parish church, agreed usually in return for the promise to proceed a vicar on the proceeds.

Apse - semicircular or polygonal terminal of the chancel at its eastern end, terminating the chancel.

Apsidal - alcove-shaped.

Aquebajulus - a holy-water clerk.

Arcade - row of arches, usually supported on colums.

Arch-caryatid - curved timbers inserted to strengthen other members in a roof.

Archdeacon - subordinate of a bishop with responsibleness for supervising the diocesan clergy and holding ecclesiastical courts inside hisarchdeaconry.

Asylum - also called Correct of Sanctuary. The right of a bishop to protect a avoiding or intercede on his behalf. One time aviary has been granted, the fugitive cannot be removed earlier a month has passed. Fugitives who observe asylum must pledge an oath of adjuration never to return to the realm, after which they are gratis to detect passage to the borders of the realm by the fastest way. If constitute within the borders after a month's time, they may exist hunted down as earlier with no right of asylum to be granted ever again.

Aumbry - a locker or closet of some kind, commonly placed in the north chancel wall, for the safe-keeping of service-books and sacramental vessels.

Austin - the English grade of the name "Augustinian" every bit in "Austin Friars."

Avoidance - the vacating of a benefice.

Ballflower - decorative motif consisting of three petals enclosing a ball; common in the early on fourteenth century.

Barber Surgeon - the monk who shaves faces and heads and performs lite surgery.

Barbican - fortification defending the gateway to a castle.

Bay - partitioning of a edifice, usually by piers, buttresses, fenestration, or vaulting.

Beakhead - Norman decorative motif consisting of a row of creature or bird heads pecking.

Beltane Eve - the dark of April 30, 1 of the two times of the year when mortal rules are believed to be suspended and supernatural events are mutual. Sometimes called May Day Eve.

Benedictine Club - monastic order founded past St. Benedict. Monks take vows of personal poverty, guiltlessness and obedience to their abbot and the Benedictine Rule.

Benedictional - a liturgical volume containing formulas for blessing of people and objects.

Benefice - an ecclesiastical living; an office held in return for duties and to which an income attaches. A grant of country given to a member of the aristocracy, a bishop, or a monastery, for express or hereditary apply in exchange for services. In ecclesiastical terms, a benefice is a church building office that returns revenue.

Benefit of Clergy - a privilege enjoyed past members of the clergy, including tonsured clerks, placing them beyond the jurisdiction of secular courts.

Black Canons - a common name for

Dominate - decorative knob, normally roofing the intersection of vaulting ribs.

Breviary - a book containing the Divine Role (lessons, psalms, hymns, etc.) for each day.

Buttress - projecting mass of masonry, giving additional support to a wall.

Calefactory - warming-room in a monastery.

Canon - a lawyer trained in canon police (the law of the Church).

Approved Hours - the services sung or recited at the fixed times of the day: matins, lauds, prime number, tierce, sext, none, vespers, compline.

Approved Penance - periods of penitential discipline, usually expressed in days or years, imposed for various sins as set out in the ancient Penitentials.

Canons Regular - communities of clergy following a monastic rule, especially the Rule of St. Augustine.

Canted - inclined, or angled.

Cantor - monk or clerk whose liturgical function is to pb the choir.

Capitals - head of a column.

Capitular - of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical chapter.

Capitulary - a compilation of episcopal or other statutes.

Cappa Clausa or Closed Greatcoat - a gown sewn down the forepart except or a short slit in the front middle which enabled easily to emerge, worn more often than not by regents in theology, arts and police force during lectures.

Caputium - includes the hood and tippet or cape. Hood orignally covered the head but later dropped back upon the shoulders.

Carrels - divisions of a sleeping room or cloister walk into individual report areas.

Cartulary - a volume or register containing copies of the deeds or charters relating to the lands, churches and other properties of a monastery, or of any other establishment.

Cassock - a long coat reaching virtually to the ground and fastened up the front, with fairly tight sleeves. Worn by men, both lay and clerical. Frequently fur lined since its main purpose was to keep wearer warm. Was worn nether the eucharistic vestments but is completely covered by the alb then that it does non show.

Chicanery - a system of moral theology which takes full account of the circumstances and intentions of penitents and formulates rules for particular cases.

Catechumens - members of a Christian congregation being prepared for baptism or confirmation.

Catharist - related to the dualist heresy of the Middle Ages which regarded the flesh and the world of physical phenomena every bit intrinsically evil.

Cellarium - store-firm of a monastery.

Cellerer - officer of a monastery entrusted with the full general provisioning of the community.

Chancel - function of a church building to the east of the crossing, containing the primary altar and choir.

Chancery - the secretarial office of a male monarch or bishop.

Chantry Chapel - chapel attached to a church, endowed for the saying of masses for the soul of the founder or another person (i.e., a wife or husband) nominated by the founder.

Chapter - the daily assembly of a monastic community at which a chapter of the Rule was read, faults were confessed, and business was transacted. Also the term for a torso of clergy serving a cathedral.

Chapter-house - room in which monks met daily, to discuss business and to hear a affiliate of the monastic dominion.

Chasuble - a sleeveless mantle, worn over the alb and stole by a celebrant priest.

Chevet - French blazon of east finish of a church building, comprising an apsidal chancel with convalescent and radiating chapels.

Chevron - Norman zigzag decoration.

Chrism - holy oil; a mixture of olive oil and balsam used in Christian ritual.

Ciborium - a chalice-shaped vessel, with a chapeau, for the consecrated bread (the reserved Host).

Claustral - pertaining to the cloister.

Claustral Prior - the abbot'south second-in-command, responsible for the internal life of the monastery.

Clerestory - upper stage of church building peak, in a higher place the alley roofs, usually pierced past windows.

Clustered-shaft - come across Pier.

Coenobitical - the term for monastic life in community, as opposed to the life of hermits.

Collar-axle - horizontal axle tying two rafters together to a higher place the level of the wall-top.

Collect - a short prayer appointed for a detail mean solar day (hence "collect-books").

Collegiate Church - a church served by a corporation or college of clergy, of which a cathedral is one type.

Commendam - in the late Eye Ages, the practise of granting the headship of a monastic house as a perquisite to a secular clerk or bishop.

Commissary - an officer representing the bishop in a office of his diocese and exercising jurisdiction there in his proper name.

Compline - the final service of the 24-hour interval, being the last approved hour, about nine p.yard.

Conduit - pipe or channel for conveying water.

Confraternity - clan with a monastic community granted to the fellow member of another monastery or to a lay person, conferring a special commemoration in the prayers of the community and a share in its spiritual privileges.

Consistory Court - an ecclesiastical court, appointed by a bishop or archbishop, with jurisdiction extgending to both clergy and laity.

Conventuals - the proper noun given to that section of the Franciscan Order that accepted the demand to modify the practise of absolute poverty enjoined past St. Francis, equally as to build churches and permanent friaries.

Cope - a semicircular piece of silk or other cloth, worn past ecclesiastical persons in processions, at vespers and on other occasions.

Corbel - rock projection from a wall, supporting a weight.

Corporal - a linen square on which the consecrated elements are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.

Corrodian - lay person who had obtained the correct to board and lodging in a monastery, usually by payment of a down payment at an before date.

Corrody - a alimony, in the course of board and lodging or money, or both, granted to a lay person by a monastery, often at the request of the king or patron of the house, who billeted retired servants and retainers on the monastic establishment in this way.

Coucher - a large book (hence "coucher-volume", a big cartulary).

Crocket - foliage-shaped decoration added to pinnacles, gables, capitals, etc.

Crosier or Crook - bishop's pastoral staff. The word meant originally the bearer of a crook and is in no way connected with cross, though the words have been confused.

Crossfigill - an ascetic practice good by Celtic monks, which involved standing in prayer for long periods with the arms outstretched in the form of a cross.

Crossing - office of a church between the transepts.

Cruet - a vessel, ordinarily i of a pair, for holding the vino or the water at the Eucharist.

Crypt - bedchamber underneath a church, unremarkably at the east finish.

Culdee - Celtic monks of Scotland and Ireland who flourished from the eighth to the fourteenth centuries, but who were more often than not absorbed past the Augustinian canons from the twelfth century.

Cure - cure of souls; the spiritual charge of parishioners (hence "curate").

Custodian - in the Franciscan Order, the head of a custody.

Custody - in the Franciscan Society, the subdivision of a province.

Custumal - a book setting out in detail the do of a detail monastery, with instructions for the celebration of the divine part and for the other activities of the monastic day, compiled to supplement the general prescription of the Rule. Too a compilation recording the manorial customs and rents due from an manor.

Dalmatic - a wide-sleeved vestment, slit on each side of the brim, and marked by ii stripes. Worn by deacons and bishops; also by kings and emperors at their coronation. Originally used in the province of Dalmatia.

Deacon - assistant to the priest and adjacent under him in rank, existence a member of the third order of the minstry.

Dean - in early monastic use, a monk appointed by the abbot to supervise a group of 10 brethren; in general ecclesastical use, the head of a cathedral chapter; also the senior priest and supervisor of a rural deanery.

Decorated - term applied to the mode of Gothic architecture which flourished in England from almost 1280 to 1340.

Decretum - a common championship for a collection of canon law, arranged thematically, in utilise from the 11th century onwards.

Demesne - that part of an estate that a landlord retains in his own hands and exploits straight, every bit opposed to portions of the estate that are leased to tenants.

Denization, charter of - royal lease of naturalization.

Diffinitors - a term used by the Cistercians and the Dominicans for those members of the general chapter who drafted legislation and steered the assembly.

Diploma - technical term for an elaborate type of lease used in the early Heart Ages to confer land or privileges.

Dilapidations - payments due on the vacating of a benefice to brand skilful whatsoever damage sustained by Church building property during the previous incumbency.

Dorter - a monastic dormitory.

Double Monastery - Combined monastery for men and women merely sexually separated. Ruled by either an abbotor abbess.

Dowry - in monastic use, a gift of land or an archway fee, usually extracted by a nunnery every bit a condition of accepting a new member. Canon law forbade the exaction of dowry, but permitted voluntary gifts. In the case of men'south houses, it was normal practice for a postulant to bring an endowment with him.

Early English - term applied to the style of Gothic architecture which flourished in England from about 1220 to 1280.

Easter Sepulcher - a recess, or construction, on the north side of a chancel, used at Easter in the setting up of a representation of the burial of Christ; only frequently merely a temporary wooden erection.

Elevation - vertical stages by which the architecture of a wall is erected.

Enterclose - a division.

Eremetical - the mode of monastic life followed by hermits, either singly or in groups, from the Greek eremos, meaning a desert, as opposed to monastic life in community.

Eucharist - the Communion, or Sacrament of the Lord'south Supper: the central anniversary of the mass.

Evangelical Counsels - the recommendations establish in the Gospels to embrace celibacy, poverty, and obedience, as a means to attain spiritual perfection, which formed the basis of the monastic life.

Exemption - a privileged status obtained by some monasteries which freed them from the jurisdiction of their local bishop and made them straight subject to the papacy.

Familia - the household establishment of a bishop or abbot, consisting of his clerks and domestic servants.

Filiation - a monastic system that fabricated each monastery responsible for supervising its daughter foundations; a group of abbeys linked in this fashion to a common mother-house; a system developed by the Cistercians.

Floriated - decorated with flowery patterns.

Florilegia - an anthology, especially one of patristic texts; such collections were widely used by medieval theologians.

Flight Buttress - arch carrying the thrust of a roof from the upper office of a wall to a gratuitous-standing support.

Foil - leaf-like ornamentation in windows, etc.: trefoil, quatrefoil, cinquefoil, sexfoil, etc., represent the number of leaves.

Frater - refectory.

Free Chapel - a chapel founded by the king (ofttimes developing into a wealthy church), not subject to the jurisdiction of the bishop.

Freestone - any easily carved fine-grained rock (e.g. a limestone or sandstone).

Gable - vertical triangular end of a building from the eaves to the noon.

Gablet - pocket-sized gable, often for decoration only.

Galilee - chapel or anteroom, usually enclosing the porch at the w stop of the church.

Gallery - intermediate story in the elevation of a church wall, between the arcade and the clerestory.

Garderobe - individual lavatory in a medieval building.

Garth - the open central infinite, ordinarily a quadrilateral, enclosed by a cloister.

Glebe - land attaching to a church and intended to supplement the incumbent's income.

Gothic - full general term used to describe the style of architecture which flourished in western Europe from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries.

Gradual - a book of antiphons.

Grange - a monastic farm settlement at some altitude from the abbey, supervised past a monk and staffed by lay brothers, created to cultivate ane of the abbey'due south estates.

Greek cross - a plain cantankerous, the four limbs of which are of equal length.

Guardian - in the Franciscan Social club the superior of a friary.

Hammer-beam - horizontal beam projecting from the top of a wall to support arch-braces, struts and rafters.

Howden - A college of secular priests.

Indulgences - a commutation of a certain catamenia of canonical penance, authorized by a bishop, enabling the penitent who had repented and confessed his sin to substitute for his penance Hymnary - a hymn-volume, or hymnal.

Infirmarian - officer of a monastery in charge of the infirmary.

Infirmary - role of a monastery, normally situated to the due east of the chief complex, with its own dormitory, chapel, and refectory, which housed the monks who were ill or who were too quondam and infirm to have office in the normal monastic round.

Interdict - a sentence laid upon a territory or an establishment, ordering the assistants of the sacraments and all liturgical rites to finish until such time as the sentence has been lifted. An exception was normally made for the baptism of infants and the absolution of the dying.

Interdict - papal ordinance debarring sure persons or the inhabitants of a certain place from participation in the sacraments, church building offices and burying services. Ecclesiastical banning in an expanse of all sacraments except for baptism and farthermost unction. In full general information technology does not ban high feast days. Used to force persons/institutions/communities or secular lords to a view dictated past the church building or pope.

Introit - verses of Scripture, often from the psalms, sung at the beginning of the mass, varying according to the twenty-four hour period of the twelvemonth.

Jamb - direct side of a doorway or window.

Judge-delegate - a prelate commissioned by the pope to hear and determine an ecclesiastica example locally in its state of origin.

Knapped-flintstone - flint split for walling.

Lancet - slender window with pointed arch.

Lauds - the service of the divine office immediately post-obit Matins. Sometimes it is confusingly chosen "Matins" in medieval texts. It was observed almost iii a.m.

Lavatorium - trough with running h2o where monks washed their hands before meals.

Leat - a channel conveying water, usually to a mill.

Lectio divina - "sacred reading," i.e., the reading of the Scriptures and the Fathers prescribed by the Rule of St. Benedict as 1 of the most important occupations of the monastic day.

Lectionary - a book containing the lessons to be read in choir during Mass and the divine role.

Lector - "reader," i.eastward., one who has been ordained to the modest church of lector; in a monastery, a monk entrusted with reading the lessons in church or in the refectory.

Legate - an ambassador, usually a central, dispatched past the pope to a territory with plenary powers (some archbishops, including the archbishops of Canterbury, claimed to be legati nati or standing legates in virtue of their office).

Legenda - a legendary, or book of legends, concerning the lives of the saints.

Lenten veil - covering pictures and crucifixes during Lent.

Lintel - horizontal beam or stone bridging a fireplace, doorway, etc.

Liturgical Colors - blueish for Advent; white for Christmas and the octave of the Epiphany; blue or white for St. John'south Mean solar day; red for the Feast of the Innocents; red or white for Circumcision. From the octave of the Epiphany to Septuagesima cherry was worn. From Septuagesima to Passion Sunday probably bluish was used. Red was worn from Passion Sunday and Advent, except on Depression Lord's day and the octave of the Ascension, when white was worn. Color for the Apostles and Martyrs was red, for the Virgins who were not Martyrs, white; for the Confessors bluish or greenish. Funerals were to be in blackness.

Louvre - opening in the roof of a room to let the smoke escape.

Lunette - semicircular opening in a wall to support arch-braces, struts and rafters.

Maniple - a strip of silk, or other fine-stuff, worn over the left arm of the celebrant at mass.

Manual - a handbook of directions to the celebrant for the administration of the sacraments.

Martyrology - a list of the martyrs, read during the role of Prime number.

Master-general - the caput of the Order of Preachers or Dominican Friars.

Matins - the offset office of the twenty-four hours, sung during the nighttime well-nigh midnight, usually called the Nocturns in medieval texts.

Mazer - a bowl or drinking-loving cup.

Mendicant Orders - begging orders, the general term for the orders of friars, so called because they refused to ain corporate property and depended upon organized begging for their support.

Mensa - term used for that part of a monastic estate that was allocated to the straight support of the community and to supplying its table.

Michaelmass - Banquet of St. Michael on September 29.

Minor Orders - the four lesser orders to which a man might exist ordained, i.e., those of acolyte, lector, exorcist, and doorkeeper, as opposed to the iii major orders of priest, Minister-general - the head of the Franciscan or Friars Small.

Minorite - a Friar Small-scale or Franciscan.

Misericord - a special apartment in a monastery, for the use of monks receiving special indulgences in respect of diet and discipline; also a bracket on the underside of the hinged seat of a choir-stall, which, when the seat is turned up, gives some support to a person standing.

Misericorde - boosted monastery refectory, in which the eating of meat was permitted.

Missal - a volume containing the complete social club of mass, including both the "ordinary" (unvarying parts) and the "proper" (the parts that varied according to the liturgical calendar). In the early on Heart Ages the proper of the mass was distributed over a number of separate books, such equally the lectionary which contained the lessons, and the gradual which contained the chants.

Mortuary - a customary levy, claimed past the priest, on the manor of a deceased parishioner.

Mouling - relief ornamentation.

Mullion - vertical bar dividing a window into lights.

Nave - function of a church to the west of the crossing.

Neophyte - a novice or new recruit.

Newel staircase - screw staircase.

Nimbus -a brilliant or golden disk, surrounding the head of a divine or canonized person.

Nocturns - sections of the office of Matins. In the monastic office each Nocturn consisted of iii Psalms followed past four lessons; on important festivals Matins comprised three such Nocturns and thus included twelve lessons. In medieval texts Matins is commonly chosen Nocturns.

Nones - the liturgical office sung or recited at the ninth hour of the twenty-four hour period, i.e., nigh three p.1000.

Norman - term applied to the manner of compages which flourished in England from virtually 1050 to about 1200.

Novice - a member of a monastic community under preparation who has not yet taken vows.

Noviciate - the period of training undergone by a recruit earlier taking monastic vows.

Obedientiary - the holder of whatever role in a monastery under the abbot.

Obedientiary - a monk in charge of 1 of the authoritative departments of a monastery, such equally the cellerer, the sacrist, or the infirmarian.

Obit - a memorial mass historic annually on the heed-day of a deceased person, usually the ceremony of his decease.

Oblate - a person given in childhood to a monastic community by his parents, to be brought upwardly as a monk.

Oblation - an offering to Church funds.

Octave - the eighth day, or the flow of eight days counting inclusively, that followed a liturgical festival.

Ogee - arch with a steep projection at the apex.

Social club - serial of concentric stages (due east.g. shafts).

Orders - the diverse grades of the Christian ministry, viz. the iv minor orders of acolyte, lector, exorcist, and doorkeeper; and the 3 major orders of priest, deacon, and subdeacon.

Ordinal - a service-book, with instructions to the priest on the social club of services through the ecclesiastical year.

Ordinary - a high ecclesiastic, unremarkably the bishop, entitled to do jurisdiction in his own right.

Orphrey - gold or other rich embroidery applied either to ecclesiastical vestments or to manufactures of lay attire.

Pallium - a yoke-shaped band of white wool, embroidered with crosses, worn by the pope and as well by some archbirshops, symbolizing in the latter case the delegation to them of metropolitan jurisdiction over the other bishops of their province. It was conferred by the pope and normally had to be collected from Rome in person.

Console-tracery - come across Tracery.

Pardoner - a person holding a papal license to sell indulgences or pardons.

Paruchia - in the usage of the Celtic Church, the area and the churches, including distant territories, over which a monastery had spiritual jurisdiction.

Paten - a shallow circular dish, usually of silver, on which the consecrated staff of life is placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.

Paterae - flat circular or oval decoration.

Pax brede - a small plate or tablet (also known as an "osculatory"), with a handle on the back and with the prototype of Christ or of the Virgin on the forepart, to be kissed at mass past priest and congregation.

Peculiar - term for a parish or other area non subject area to the jurisdiction of the bishop within whose diocese it is situated, just subject to the jurisdiction of a bishop or some other ecclesiastical body in some other diocese.

Pelagian - relating to the heresy of Pelagius (c. 354-419), who denied the transmission of original sin and emphasized the primacy of human endeavor in achieving conservancy.

Penitential - a treatise setting out the penances, or acts of satisfaction, appropriate to various sins, which a penitent was required to perform after he had repented and confessed his faults to a priest. Similarly, the section of a monastic Rule that prescribed penances for various faults or breaches of monastic bailiwick.

Penitentiary - an ecclesiastical officer concerned with the administration of penance in the diocese.

Penstock - sluice for regulating the flow of water through a channel.

Pentise - covered fashion, or small subsidiary building, with a sloping roof.

Perpendicular - term applied to the style of Gothic architecture which flourished in England between most 1340 and about 1530.

Pier - potent, upright support or colonnade for arches, etc.

Pilaster - shallow pier attached to a wall.

Pileus or Cap - the distinctive head-wearing apparel of doctors, round or square. The square shape was made of iv dissimilar pieces of fabric joined, wit a modest point at the top. Eventually became the mortar-board of mod academy garb. Small signal of the original pileus became the modern tassel.

Pinched - plaited.

Piscina - basin, commonly fix in the south chancel wall, for washing the chalice and paten at mass.

Placebo et dirige - the first words of the opening antiphons of Vespers and Matins respectively in the Function of the Dead; hence, in medieval usage a term cogent the unabridged Office of the Expressionless.

Plate-tracery - run across Tracery.

Points - ties, laces.

Porticus - the side-chapels common at Anglo-Saxon minster churches, frequently used for the more than important burials.

Postulant - a person seeking access to a religious order.

Pound Scots - Scottish unit of currency, worth 1s. 8d., used until the eighteenth century.

Prebend - the revenues, whether from country or tithes, granted to an ecclesiastic as his stipend.

Prebendary - ane in receipt of the revenues fastened to a canonry in a cathedral or collegiate church building.

Precentor - a cathedral dignitary responsible for the choir and the liturgical functions in the cathedral church building.

Preceptory - a business firm of the Knights Templars.

Prelates - general term practical to the leading members of the ecclesiastical institution.

Prime - a liturgical office sung or recited at the kickoff hour of the day, i.due east., at sunrise.

Prior - in an abbey the 2nd-in-command or officer next in rank later on the abbot; the superior of a religious house that did not take the condition of an abbey.

Processional - an part-volume, giving the text of the hymns, psalms, and litanies used in ecclesiastical processions.

Proctor - a legal representative of any person or bodies of persons able to human activity for them in ecclesiastical courts.

Procuration - a customary payment extracted from incumbents in lieu of their obligation to entertain a visiting bishop, archdeacon, or other high ecclesiastic.

Proprietary Church - a church in individual buying, the property of a landlord or of a monastery-the condition of virtually rural churches in the early Center Ages.

Provincial - or "provincial government minister"; the superior in accuse of a province of the Friars Minor; in the case of the Dominicans.

Pulpitum - pulpit projecting from a wall. Also, in large churches, a stone screen dividing the nave and quire.

Purbeck marble - hard dark stone resembling marble, quarried from the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset.

Pyx - a vessel, normally a box, for property the consecrated bread (the reserved Host).

Quadragesima - literally "the fortieth": the Latin term for Lent, a flow of approximately twoscore days (in fact forty-half-dozen days) before Easter.

Quatrefoil - a very mutual Gothic architectural ornament in which four arcs are divided past cusps, rather in the form of a four.

Quinquagesima - the last Sunday earlier the beginning of Lent.

Quire - the part of a church where services were sung, containing the choir-stalls.

Radiating Chapels - series of chapels projecting radially from an convalescent or apse.

Range - block of buildings.

Rector - in medieval canon law the incumbent of a parish who is entitled to receive the great tithe. Where a parish church had been appropriated to a monastery, the monastery became the corporate rector of the church.

Refectory - the dining hall of a monastery.

Regular Clergy - clergy who are monks, living under a monastic Rule (regula), as opposed to secular clergy who live in the world and exercise not vest to a religious order.

Reliquary - shrine or catafalque in which relics of saints were kept.

Rere-dorter - building containing the monastic latrines, so called because it was normally situated at the back or far terminate of the dormitory.

Reredos - a screen, usually carved and painted, behind and above the altar.

Retable - an chantry-piece; a painting, or frame holding sculptures, fixed to the back of an altar.

Retro-quire - chapel or part of a church east of the high altar, commonly used as the location for the shrine of a saint.

Rochet - a white-linen vestment, similar to a surplice.

Romanesque - term applied to the way of architecture which flourished in Europe from the early tenth to the tardily twelfth century; likewise called Norman in England.

Rood - a keen cross, or crucifix, placed on the rood-beam in the chancel arch.

Rood-screen - screen beneath a crucifix, usually at the west end of a church, so called because it was usually surmounted by a rood or crucifix.

Rose Window - see Cycle Window.

Sacramentary - a blazon of liturgical book used in the early Middle Ages, containing the prayers said by the celebrant of the mass and the other sacrament. The lessons and the verses sung by the choir were independent in divide books.

Sacring - the consecration of the elements (hence "sacring bong" and "sacring torch").

Sacrist - monastic official responsible for the safekeeping of books, vestments and vessels, and for the maintenance of the monastery's buildings.

Sacristy - a small building, usually fastened to the chancel or transept of a church, in which vestments and sacred vessels were kept.

Sanctuary - right of protection to fugitives inside a church building, or occasionally within the precinct of a monastery or cathedral.

Saw-tooth - decorated with serrations like a saw.

Scallop - ornamentation consisting of a series of truncated semi-Scapular - a rectangular slice of stuff hanging downwardly from the shoulders before and backside. It has shoulder seams and a pigsty for the head to pass through.

Scriptorium - room in a monastery prepare bated for the use of scribes copying manuscripts.

Secular Canons - the secular clergy serving a cathedral or collegiate church, as opposed to canons regular, who were clergy living nether a monastic dominion.

Sedilia - seats for priests officiating at services, usually built into the wall on the south side of the chancel.

Segmental - in the class of a segment, or divided into segments.

Seigneurial - lordly, pertaining to a feudal lord.

Sequestrator - the diocesan official appointed to take charge of estates or other property on which dues were owed to the bishop.

Server - the celebrant's assistant at the altar during mass.

Sext - the liturgical office sung or recited at the 6th 60 minutes of the day, i.eastward., nearly midday.

Shaft - small or subordinate colonnade.

Simony - the offence of offering or receiving coin to influence an engagement to ecclesiastical part.

Slype - passage.

Solar - upper living-room in a medieval house.

Solo-piece - projecting base for roof trusses, etc., at the level of the wall-top.Soul-scot - a mortuary, or offering made to the priest on behalf of a deceased parishioner.

Spandrel - triangular surface surface area between the apexes of 2 arches.

Spirituals - the name given to that section of the Franciscans that refused to alter the instructions of St. Francis on absolute poverty and who consequently refused to possess permanent buildings, equally opposed to the "Conventuals" who accepted the need to compromise in this respect.

Springer - the point at which an arch unites with its pier, wall.

Squint - the hole cutting in a wall or through a pier to allow a view of the high altar from a place where it would not otherwise possible

Stepped - progressively staggered.

Stiff-foliage - leafage ornamentation consisting of many lobed shapes, common in the thirteenth century.

Stole - a narrow strip of embroidered silk or linen, worn over other vestments to hang round the neck and downwards the front of the celebrant at mass.

Stoup - a rock basin for holy water, usually placed nigh the main entrance of the church.

Strainer arch - arch inserted beyond the space between two walls, to terminate them leaning.

Cord-course - projecting horizontal band of masonry set forth a wall.

Studium generale - a term of art, which appeared in the 13th century, denoting a school of universal condition, used especially of universities. In approved theory it indicated a privileged condition which could merely exist conferred on a school by the pope. Its special mark was the right to its graduates to teach in any other school of Christendom without further exam.

Stylite - an austere who lived on top of a colonnade.

Suffragan - assistant (hence "suffragan bishop").

Super-arch - larger arch, often bare, enclosing ii or more smaller arches.

Surplice or Super-pellicum - a loosely fitting white linen vestment, with wide sleeves.

Synod - a council, or assembly, of the clergy.

Synodal - a customary payment made to the bishop by his lower clergy on the occasion of a visitation or a synod.

Tabard - a loose, usually sleeveless waistcoat, sometimes chosen a sclavine.

Temporalities - the landed estates and other properties belonging to a church building or religious body, especially the estates of a bishopric, in respect of which the bishop owed secular duties to the male monarch.

Tenebrae - the office of Matins and Lauds in the special form sung during the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of Holy Week, at which candles are extinguished one by one following each psalm.

Terce - the liturgical function sung or recited at the third hour of the day, i.e., about ix a.m.

3rd - a member of a Third Social club, a confraternity of lay people attached to the friars, who spring themselves to follow certain religious observances of the friars, including recreation of the mean solar day hours of the divine office.

Thurible - a censer; a vessel, usually of metallic, for the called-for of incense.

Tithe (praedial) - a tax, payable to the rector, of the tenth part of all agrarian produce.

Tithing - any group of ten persons; in early on monastic usage, a group of ten monks supervised by a monastic officers chosen a dean. It was a means of devolving command in large religious communities.

Tonsure - monastic hairstyle: shaving the height of the head and leaving a band of hair effectually the side, indicated that a young homo had received clerical status.

Tracery - decorative openwork on the upper parts of a Gothic window. Bar-tracery and Geometric-tracery: both typical of the 2nd half of the thirteenth century, consisting chiefly of foils within circles. Panel-tracery: typical of the period 1340-1530, consisting of direct-border vertical panels.

Transepts - transverse portions, due north and due south, of a cross-shaped church building.

Transitional - term practical to the architecture of the late twelfth and early on thirteenth centuries, during the transition from Norman or Romanesque to Gothic.

Translation - in the case of a bishop, his transfer from one meet to another, a change which in classical canon law could simply be authorized by the pope. The term was too used to depict the process by which the bodily remains of a saint were removed from their tomb to a place of honor above or behind the altar of a church building. Originally information technology was an act that signified canonisation; from the 13th century, it was a solemn deed carried out post-obit canonisation by the pope.

Transom - horizontal bar across the lights of a window.

Triforium - intermediate phase in the pinnacle of a church wall, betwixt the arcade and the clerestory, consisting of a bare arcading or a wall-passage.

Troper - a book of tropes, being the phrases or sentences added by a choir to embellish the mass.

Truss - roof-timbers framed together to span a infinite.

Tympanum - space between the lintel of a doorway and the arch above information technology.

Undercroft - vaulted room (ofttimes a basement) beneath a more than of import edifice.

Vault - an biconvex stone roof.

Vespers - the liturgical role of the evening, otherwise called Evensong.

Vestry - small chamber attached to the chancel or transept of a church building, in which the ecclesiastical vestments were kept and put on.

Vicar General - an ecclesiastical officeholder appointed by the bishop as his deputy in matters jurisdictional and administrative.

Vicar - the incumbent of a parish church building which has been appointed to a monastery or some other ecclesiastical body which receives the great tithe. The vicar receives a fixed portion of the endowments of the parish and offerings.

Vigils - in early monastic literature the term for Matins, i.e., the office sung during the watches of the nighttime.

Warming-house - the only room in a monastery (autonomously from the infirmary and kitchen) where a fire was allowed.

Waterleaf - broad, leaf-shaped motif with a tied-ribbon consequence at the top; unremarkably used to decorate capitals in the twelfth century.

Weeper - a sculptured mourning figure, often shown hooded, gear up against the side of a tomb-chest.

Cycle Window - circular window with radiating tracery resembling spokes.


Source: http://home.olemiss.edu/~tjray/medieval/ecclesiastical.htm

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